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Discovering the benefits of lavender

As Touch of Tranquillity will be featuring products around the use of lavender, orange and peppermint essential oils, we are here to look at the various ways to use these aromatic and fresh oils. All of the information explained here has been looked into from Organic Facts.

Lavender Essential Oil

This essential oil provides a number of health benefits, and is extracted from lavender flowers. The benefits of this oil can include:

* Sleep: Lavender can help induce sleep, and can be used by either placing a few drops of oil on bedding, or by rubbing oil-based lotion on the temples and the back of the neck.

* Nervous system: Lavender has a calming scent, which is helpful with those who suffer from headaches, tension and stress. It is best applied on the palms and wrists to inhale, as well as the back of the neck.

* Acne and Skin Care: It is believed that lavender can help with the diminishing of infection of acne and skin, as well as reducing scars. This can be done by using oil-based lotions or creams in small amounts to heal affected areas.

* Hair Care: Used in many treatments for hair, lavender oil-based lotions can be used in small amounts, especially with coconut, in order to moisturize.

Word of Caution

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid using lavender oil, along with many other essential oils. People who are diabetic should also avoid using lavender oil. As well, in some common or excessive use, people may experience allergic reactions, nausea, vomiting, and headaches.

It is important that lavender oil is never ingested, as it can lead to serious health issues, such as blurred vision, difficulty breathing, burning eyes, vomiting and diarrhea. This oil is only to be used topically (as in a lotion or cream) or aromatically (as in diffusion or inhalation).

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